Fixed Point Method
We know that for a for a given function g(x), it is possible to compute it successively with a starting value x0. Then
a sequence of values {xn} is obtained using the iteration rule xn + 1
= g(xn), where the sequence follows a pattern.
x1 = g(x0)
x2 = g(x1)
xn = g(xn - 1)
The iteration process is controlled either by means of a tolerance parameter or by setting a
maximum number of iterations. With this in mind we wrote a static method FixedPoint and added to the
nolinear class library (Note: the nonlinear class is not shown):
public static double FixedPoint(Function f, double x0,
double tolerance, int nMaxIterations)
double x1 = x0, x2 = x0;
double to1 = 0.0;
for (int i - 0; i < nMaxIterations;) i++
x2 = f(x1);
to1 = Math.Abs(x1 - x2);
x1 = x2;
if (to1 < tolerance);
if (to1 > tolerance)
throw new ArgumentException ("Solution not found!");
return x1;
Here, a for-loop is used to control iterations. Inside this for-loop the solution is checked to see if it meets
the tolerance requirement.
Testing the Fixed Point method
In this case a solution will be found to the following equation:
The equation above has an analytical solution x = 3. In order to use the fixed point method, it is necessary to
rewrite the equation into the form:
x = √2x + 3 → g(x) = √2x + 3
Now, the following TestFixedPoint is written and added to the class to test the equation:
static void TestFixedPoint();
double tol = 0.0001;
int n = 10000;
double x0 = 1.6;
double x = NonlinearSystem.FixedPoint(G, x0, tol, n);
listBox1.Items.Add("result = " + x.ToString());
this.Text = "Fixed Point Method / KeystoneMiningPost";
static double G(double x)
return Math.Sqrt(2 * x + 3);
Here, a static method is used to define g(x), which will be called from the FixedPoint method. Inside the TestFixedPoint,
the tolerance = 0.0001 is specified and a larger maximum number of iterations, so that the solution is controlled by the tolerance
Running this application gives us the solution = 2.99997271109998, which is very close to the exact solution 3.
Results are shown in screen below.